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Age of Empires II Definitive Edition Update Build 33059-CODEX: A Must-Have Update for Fans of the Ga


C O D E X P R E S E N T S Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Dawn of the Dukes Update Build 56005 (c) Xbox Game Studios Release Date : 12/2021 Protection : Steam+Arxan Discs : 1 Genre : Action For list of changes read included patchnotes.txt - Extract - Run setup.exe and install update - Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir - Play You need the following releases for this: Age.of.Empires.II.Definitive.Edition.Dawn.of.the.Dukes-CODEX - Block the game's exe in your firewall to prevent the game from trying to go online .. - If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary to run this game with admin privileges instead CODEX is currently looking for nothing but competition! Greetings to STEAMPUNKS & CPY LNK^CPS 02/2015 Update Build 56005:GameStability & PerformanceGame no longer freezes when a host quits from a game with custom AIs.Fixed a rare crash which could occur when alt+tabbing away from the game while playing a match.Fixed an issue where Save Cloud capacity would show as -1.#Q%, making players unable to save their files to the cloud.Save Cloud storage is no longer used when players disable Steam Cloud in their Steam settings.Fixed a crash when closing a pop-up when being locked out of ranked multiplayer.Fixed a rare crash in the Jogaila campaign mission In the Shadow of the Throne.Fixed a rare crash in the Scenario Editor when repeatedly generating maps with specific characteristics.Fixed a rare crash when starting a Battle Royale match.The game now includes a crash reporting tool. If you experience a crash, you may see a pop-up window that asks you to provide some information about what you were doing when the game crashed, and your description along with some important logging will be sent to us automatically. If you see this prompt, please do use it to help us improve the stability of the game!AchievementsAchievement for finishing the Algirdas and Kestutis campaign now unlocks correctly.The following achievements now show a progress tracker in the Steam client:Pleasant Peasant90kg Over 300 metersAnyone Order a Pizza?Knocking on your doorMango ShotsRelic HunterGraphicsNEW! Regional Trade Cart graphics!Hussite Wagons now have a new projectile graphic to differentiate them better from Mangonel projectiles.Dark Age Barracks rubble no longer decays 4 times slower than other Dark Age buildings.AudioFixed some incorrect pauses in Korean VO in the Francisco Almeida Campaign.History section music no longer continues to play on the main menu.UINEW! Tech tree preview feature: a small version of the tech tree is shown when hovering the tech tree button while in-game.NEW! Waypoint numbering added for command queues.Team information is now accurately shown on the post-game statistics screen.Campaign completion progress now shows correctly on the in-game player profile.Folwark range indicator now shows correctly on hills.Added a search box to the Map Selection Screen.Map Selection screen now allows to press a letter to jump between maps that start with that letter.Saved & Recorded games that have been manually copied over, now show up in-game without the need to restart the game.Player icons featuring Bohemian and Polish Unique Units are now available in your profile.No longer allow to delete important structures (e.g. Castles) without confirmation if theyre selected in a group with less important structures.Fixed a legacy issue where resource discounts would still show on the tech tree after exiting a game where they were applied.Players no longer receive attack notifications from Gaia when playing on the Aftermath map.Certain tooltips now scale down correctly when the window size has been reduced (e.g. tooltips that show player rankings).Added various tooltips to menu buttons that did not have them.Fixed various keyboard navigation issues in the front-end UI.Fixed various issues with the Narrator (Accessibility setting).Fixed various localization issues across all languages.SettingsAutomatic Farm Reseeding is no longer automatically toggled off when loading a saved game.Fish Traps are now also affected by the Automatic Farm Reseeding option.Night Map lighting is now preserved after loading a saved game.HotkeysSetting a duplicate hotkey now warns which other hotkey is being overwritten.Fixed an issue where Alt+WASD could not be set as a hotkey for scrolling the mapUngarrison All Units hotkey no longer expels Relics from the monastery.GameplayGeneralVillagers will now shoot a Wild Boar when repeatedly being asked to do so (before, the action would be reset and the Villager would not shoot when right-clicking the Boar repeatedly)Villagers no longer skip the next queue action after being ungarrisoned.FixesHussite Wagons now correctly reduce damage of area-of-effect attacks (blast damage) and Scorpion attacks.Ballistics projectiles are now more accurate against high speed targets.CampaignGeneralAlaric: A Kingdom of Our Own: Fixed a rare issue where a transport could be unloaded on water.Jadwiga: Duel of the Dukes: Hero units are now able to get upgrades.Jadwiga: The Siege of Vilnius: Fixed an issue where the Teutonic attack waves could sometimes lose their animations and slide across the battlefield.Kotyan: A New Home: Fixed a rare issue that made it impossible to complete the scenario.Art of WarEarning a silver medal while playing offline will no longer overwrite a gold medal that was previously earned when playing with a connection the next time.Co-opAll Co-op campaigns now show intro slides. (can be toggled as an option in the lobby)NEW! 2 new co-op campaigns now available! Tariq ibn Ziyad & Tamerlane!Tariq ibn Ziyad:The Battle of GuadaleteConsolidation and SubjugationDivide and ConquerCrossing the PyreneesRazziaTamerlane:Amir of TransoxianaGurkhan of PersiaHarbinger of DestructionSultan of HindustanScourge of the LevantA Titan Amongst MortalsCivilization BalanceGeneralUNITSPalisade Wall: Cost increased increased from 2 wood 3 wood.House: Melee armor reduced from 0/1/2 -2/-1/1 in Dark/Feudal/Castle Age.Scout units [Scout Cavalry & Eagle Warriors]: No longer have extra conversion resistance levels, minimum conversion time increased from 4 8.AztecsUNITSJaguar Warrior [Standard]: Hit points increased from 50 65.BohemiansUNITSHussite Wagon [Standard & Elite]: Speed reduced from 0.85 0.8.BurgundiansUNITSBombard Cannon: Gunpowder attack bonus now correctly increases the damage dealt against Hussite Wagons.BurmeseTECHNOLOGIESManipur Cavalry: Effect changed from +6 attack vs buildings +5 attack vs archers.ByzantinesCIVILIZATIONTeam bonus: Monk heal speed increased from +50% +100%.CeltsUNITSWoad Raider [Standard]: Attack increased from 8 10.CumansCIVILIZATIONArchery Range and Stable cost discount decreased from 100 wood 75 wood.EthiopiansUNITSShotel Warrior [Standard]: Hit points increased from 40 45.TECHNOLOGIESElite Shotel Warrior: Cost decreased from 1200 food 550 gold 900 food 450 gold.IncasUNITSKamayuk [Standard]: Hit points increased from 60 70.Kamayuk [Standard]: Melee armor increased from 0 1.IndiansTECHNOLOGIESSultans: Gold income from Trade Workshops is now correctly increased.JapaneseUNITSSamurai [Standard]: Hit points increased from 60 70.Samurai [Standard]: Attack increased from 8 10.TECHNOLOGIESElite Samurai: Cost decreased from 950 food 875 gold 750 food 650 gold.LithuaniansUNITSLeitis [Standard & Elite]: Now deal the correct amount of damage to Donjons and Folwarks.MaliansUNITSGbeto [Standard]: Hit points increased from 30 35.PolesCIVILIZATIONReceive access to Siege Engineers technology.UNITSObuch [Standard & Elite]: Training time increased from 9 seconds 12 seconds.TeutonsUNITSTeutonic Knight [Standard]: Attack increased from 12 14.Teutonic Knight [Standard]: Melee armor increased from 5 7.TECHNOLOGIESElite Teutonic Knight: Cost decreased from 950 food 875 gold 750 food 650 gold.VikingsCIVILIZATIONLose access to Thumb Ring technologyInfantry hit points bonus changed from +10%/+15%/+20% in Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age +20% HP in Feudal Age.UNITSBerserk [Standard]: Attack increased from 9 12.Berserk [Standard]: Melee armor increased from 0 1.Berserk [Elite]: Training time decreased from 14 seconds 12 seconds.TECHNOLOGIESElite Berserk: Cost decreased from 1300 food 550 gold 1075 food 475 gold.Random MapsMap BalanceMap name: ArabiaArabia has been updated to use the King of the Desert 4 tournament version.Randomized forest amount, size and distance from the players.Randomized elevation amount and elevation height around the players starting areas and on the rest of the map.Randomized pond generation around players and the rest of the map.Balanced and evenly spaced resources surrounding the players.Zebras and ostriches always generate in patches of three.Neutral camels generate far from players, potentially exposing enemy armies nearby.Players are starting with one herdable in their possession for a consistent start.Beautiful hand-crafted carpets now appear near the players town centers.Map name: AftermathFixed the issue where starting scout could get killed by the explosion in the start.Players no longer start with Houses, Barracks, and Blacksmith in game modes other than Empire Wars.Forage bushes can no longer spawn too close to the starting Town Center.Added straggler trees around the starting Town Center in game modes other than Empire Wars and Death Match.Random Map ScriptingNEW! force_nomad_treaty command, which allows map scripters to enforce a treaty period of 5 minutes and a treaty area of 10 tiles around the Town Center foundation of the player. The treaty ends after 5 minutes or when all players have constructed a Town Center. This allows map creators to disable early fighting in Nomad style maps.AIGeneralImproved the behaviour of AI cavalry units when fighting enemy archers.Extreme AI: AI will prioritize dropping relics in allied monasteries on land maps if they are significantly close or are playing as Lithuanians.Extreme AI: AI will garrison nearby threatened monks in main Town Center if attacked.Extreme AI: AI will now attempt to cut forests next to walls with Onagers, instead of trying to break through the wall.Extreme AI: If an enemy raids Trade Carts near an allied Market, the AI will attempt to manually redirect Trade Carts to an alternative allied Market away from the attack.AI players now correctly recognize the forests on the Crossroads map to build lumber camps.Fixed a rare issue where the AI would place its first lumber camp too far from woodlines on Arabia.Improved AI scouting on the Marketplace map.PathfindingImproved how melee units reach units that are located behind forests when tasked to attack them.Improved how units spawn from military buildings (fixing some edge cases where they would spawn on the wrong side of a building)ScriptingAdded sn-allow-serjeant-building which will automatically assign Serjeants to a Donjon foundation instead of villagers if available, if there is no available Serjeants a Villager is chosen instead.up-build no longer fails to place buildings, especially in cramped spaces.AI can now queue units when a research is in progress when sn-enable-research-queue is set to 1.up-setup-cost-data goal array is set for one player instead of every player.object-data-to-precise now returns the same values on DE compared to UP.It is now possible to assign a garrisoned Boar hunter to a different task when ungarrisoning.LocalizationGeneralDisabled the Sans Serif Font option for Japanese, Korean, Russian, Chinese (Simplified) & Chinese (Traditional) to improve readability.Update Build 54480:GAMEStability & PerformanceOptimized achievement synchronization after start up.Fixed a crash that could occur when downloading a mod with an excessively long name.Fixed a crash that could occur when accepting a steam invite to a password protected game when the You are victorious message is displayed after a Multiplayer game and then choosing Leave Map.Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to join a lobby while the Lobby Browser is refreshing.Fixed a crash that could occur when changing the games language in the options while having certain mods installed.Fixed various crashes that could occur when the system is running out of memory.Fixed a desync issue that could occur in Multiplayer games which contained AI players, such as Coop Historical Battles.Optimized the Mod download process from the in-game Mod Center to allow for greatly improved download speeds.Selecting the Maximize button in Window Mode now keeps the Window Mode format and doesnt change the setting to Full Screen.Disbanding a Clan after creating it and then entering the Profile menu will no longer cause the menu to freeze.AchievementsFixed an issue with the Sheep Hoarder achievement where, under specific circumstances, it didnt always recognize all sheep that the player owned.The 90kg Over 300 Meters and Anyone Order a Pizza? now unlock as expected.AudioMale Lithuanian villagers will no longer rarely use the Lithuanian Monks voice.The frequency of animal noises across all biomes is now lower, the volume levels for sounds relevant to Desert biomes has been decreased to better match that of other biomes.The way Obuch attack sounds play in large battles has been improved.UIThe Dawn of the Dukes DLC campaign selection screen now has an updated map background.MVP badges in the post-game Statistics screen are no longer awarded to more than one player from the same team.Building Armor is now also displayed for building foundations.It is now possible to select and delete multiple saved game files at once.The Sicilian Tech Tree now properly shows Siege Onagers as an available option.Pressing any letter on the keyboard in the Civilization Selection window automatically selects the first civilization starting with that letter, pressing it again will cycle through until returning to the first option again.The Tech Tree now displays the appropriate War Galley research cost in the Fire Ship and Demolition Ship tooltips.It is no longer possible to overwrite an existing savegame file while the list of files is loading.Fixed an issue where the initial notification players see when receiving or sending tributes was often truncated.When spectating a game or viewing a recorded game the Research Panel now remembers whether it had been enabled/disabled last and displays as such. Its enabled by default.When spectating a game or viewing a recorded game the Chat Menu can now be opened to view chat history.All units which can be selected together by double click are now also considered the same units when (de)selecting them on the UI using shift click.Entering the Campaign selection from the Main Menu no longer occasionally shows a black background.The Total Games statistic in the Player Profile now displays the correct number of games.Converted Folwarks now display their Building Range Indicator properly.The Building Range Indicator now properly displays for the Fire Tower.The Ranked Leaderboards screen now displays the proper amount of required games that still need to be played until the player is ranked in the selected mode.Cleaned up and clarified various error messages which can display under specific circumstances.In-game chat is now visible to spectators.SettingsThe Terrain Grid Color slider and the Terrain Grid Display option are now located under the same tab in the Options Menu as those directly relate to each other.HotkeysChanging hotkeys in the middle of a match while having an object selected will now use the new hotkeys right away without having to reselect the object.Changing the capitalization of a hotkey profile and then saving it no longer creates a new profile, but updates the existing one.GAMEPLAYFixesVillagers can no longer drop carried resources by garrisoning into Kreposts.Multiple monks converting an enemy unit will now correctly all lose their faith if Theocracy hasnt been researched yet.Serjeants no longer walk to building foundations other than Donjons when villagers which were selected together with them were tasked to construct them.Houfnice units placed in the scenario editor are now able to use the Attack Ground command as intended.Fixed certain technologies being (unintentionally) non-stackable in x256 techs mode.CAMPAIGNGeneralThe Jadwiga campaigns difficulty rating is now 3 swords (up from 2 swords).The Jadwiga campaign has received a number of minor tweaks and bug fixes:Jadwiga 1:Opoles cavalry division in the opening is now on Defensive Stance, not Stand Ground, so that you cannot pick them off one by one before they start chasing you.Opole now focuses on producing Obuch and Crossbowmen, while Mazovia leans more heavily towards Knights.Jadwiga 2:War Galley is now auto-researched, so that you dont end up wasting resources on the tech.Jadwiga 3:Fixed a bug where Vilnius wouldnt change hands properly.The players starting troops are now respawned at gameplay start so that they are affected by upgrades.Nerfed the Vytautas AI slightly on Hard.Your heroes can now be upgraded as intended.Jadwiga 4:Bombard towers now have the intended increased stone cost of 300 stone.You now get your starting resources when when the B&D begins, preventing you from building a base early with converted villagers.Added a timer to the opening, so that you cannot cheese the mission by raiding the immobile Teutonic Raiders.The main Teutonic army now responds less to sighted enemies, making them harder to kite.Your Lithuanian allies no longer occasionally end up blocking the city streets.Added a trigger to force attacks, for rare cases where the Teutons hang back for several minutes before actually attacking the city.Vytautas no longer tries to rush the main Teuton camp.Added a trigger to keep Vytautas from getting stuck in the Raider base after they are defeated.Vytautas now sends smaller initial attacks towards the Raiders.The main Teutonic army now gets upgrades with each wave, starting with the second one.The main Teutonic camp is now more difficult to assail.The flag by the deserter is now removed after completing the side quest.Jadwiga 5:The Crimean Tatars no longer delete their towers when defeated, meaning the Ruthenian villages can no longer be auto-liberated by taking out this player.Ensured Kazikermen doesnt start building their Wonder until after Vytautas and Tokhtamyshs banter.The army spawn for the Golden Horde finale is now deactivated when the army starts disappearing off the map.The troops around Temur for the finale are now correctly displayed as Tatars, not ItaliansJadwiga 6:The player no longer gets their name changed to Tatar Mercenaries if those are the mercenaries they pick.You can no longer cut your way into the finale area with onagers etc.Co-opTwo new co-op campaigns are now available!Attila the Hun:The Scourge of GodThe Great RideThe Walls of ConstantinopleA Barbarian BetrothalThe Battle of the Catalaunian FieldsThe Fall of RomeSuryavarman I:UsurpationQuelling the RebellionA Dangerous MissionChallenging a ThalassocracyNirvanapadaCIVILIZATION BALANCEGeneralCannon Galleon [Standard & Elite]: Projectile speed increased from 1.95 3.UNITSLong Swordsman: Melee armor increased from 0 1.Two-Handed Swordsman: Melee armor increased from 0 1.TECHNOLOGIESLong Swordman: Cost decreased from 200 food 150 food.Supplies: Cost decreased from 150 food & 100 gold 75 food & 75 gold.BulgariansUNITSKrepost: Damage of main arrow increased from 9 10, damage of secondary arrows decreased from 11 10.BurgundiansTECHNOLOGIESBurgundian Vineyards: No longer converts half of the food stockpile to gold. Still enables Farmers to generate a small trickle of gold.PortugueseUNITSFeitoria: Hitpoints decreased from 5200 2700.SiciliansCIVILIZATIONTeambonus: Effect changed to Transport Ships gain 5 line of sight and cost 50% less.VietnameseTECHNOLOGIESChatras: Battle Elephants [Standard & Elite] bonus hitpoints increased from 50 100.RANDOM MAPSNEW MAPS! Aftermath: The remnants of a previous battle remain as players try to rebuild their empire and control the still-standing buildings that will aid the players economy. Enclosed: While initially safe inside the dense rainforest, players must quickly venture out to secure resources on the other side of the jagged unbuildable path. Haboob: An incredibly open and spacious desert with little to no opportunity to secure your resources. Forest are sparse, exposed and challenging to defend. Kawasan: Food is plentiful but easily exposed to enemies. A massive cluster of berry bushes can be found in the middle, and hidden among them are many relics. Land Madness: With resources scattered across the map and forests surrounded by unbuildable rugged terrain, walling is nearly impossible and military presence will be crucial. Sacred Springs: The sacred pagodas are home to numerous holy relics and vast amounts of shore fish. These resources are far from the players, leaving them exposed to raids. Wade: The marshy swamp is too shallow for ships to travel and not suitable for buildings to be constructed. Players must use the limited space and resources to secure victory.GeneralWhen starting gameplay on the Empire Wars mode, villagers surrounding the herdable have an equal chance of generating female and male variants.When starting gameplay on the Empire Wars mode, villagers intended to spawn as lumberjacks are now more reliably gathering wood instead of another resource.Map BalanceArabia:Starting forests spawns are now randomized between 3 forests in the back of every players base, 2 in the back and 1 forward and 1 in the back and 2 forward.Fixed a rare issue where forests would sometimes fail to generate for one player in 1vs1 matches.Non-standard numbers of players on larger/smaller maps no longer cause missing forests.The third gold pile for each player in team games is no longer generated excessively far.Extra gold on larger map sizes now spawns in 3-tile groups instead of 2-tile onesThe number of predator animals has been restored to the original values, which is an increase compared to the previous version.Acclivity:Increased the number of forest clumps generating around the players but decreased their size.Reduced the number of straggler trees on the surrounding elevation.Greenland:Removed the extra gold deposits on the middle islands.Increased the size of the furthest gold deposit on the player islands.Decreased the amount of forest on the map.Added slight elevation variation to the player islands.Most of the water is now frozen, allowing land units to move between islands much more effortlessly.All deep fish has been removed from the water.Marketplace:Markets now appear in all four corners of the map.Players now spawn with two trade carts instead of a scout.Players now spawn with one house in their possession.Meadow:Each forested area on the map now contains the same amount of wood.When playing Empire Wars, lumber camps may now generate on both nearby forest areas (all lumber camps will still generate together).When playing Empire Wars, the forest in which your lumber camps are generated will be fully explored at game start.When playing Empire Wars, the chance of lumber camps or villagers being stuck in the forests is decreased.Mountain Range:All water and shallows are removed and replaced by an unbuildable rock terrain.Lowland:Boars are moved slightly closer to the players town centers.MegaRandom:Reduced the maximum amount of herdable animals per player from 15 to 12.Northern Isles:Players now spawn with one house in their possession.Runestones:Forests have been pushed further away from the players.The size of the forests surrounding the players has been reduced.Random Map ScriptingThe min_connected_tiles parameter now properly works for all players when using behavior_version 2.

Age of Empires II Definitive Edition Update Build 33059-CODEX



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